Labour and the united front, Ian Jamieson

The success of the WA MUA in recent years has paved the way for the union movement in Australia to take up the battle for union and working class rights. Can the success in industrial battles be the MUA have been involved with be replicated? Can other unions follow the example? There was a concerted need by the MUA to reach out to social movements, to involve members in campaigns. How do, and why do, unions need to broaden their agenda. What does that mean when unions are generally locked into the ALP’s neoliberal agenda. Do the Greens represent something different? What is a united front? What does unity really represent and how can we organise to get the best outcome. What is working class independence mean?

Ian Jamieson is an elected union delegate at DP World, convenor of the successful Rank and File team that has seen the WA MUA leadership team transform the union into a fighting unit. Founding member of the RSP and its predecessors, the Democratic Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers League in 1972. Currently on the National Executive of the Revolutionary Socialist Party.

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